Sustainable Software-as-a-Service Solutions

What is the Next platform?

The Next platform is an open source web platform developed by Eyra that serves as an integration hub for sustainable software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, empowering research. Examples of SaaS solutions include data donation (Port), participant recruitment (Link), and method benchmarking (Rank). These SaaS solutions are co-created in collaboration with researchers from various Dutch universities (e.g. UU, UvA, VU, RUG) and organisations such as ODISSEI.

What do we mean with sustainability?

With sustainability we mean that SaaS solutions are developed with a long-term vision in mind and can be maintained after a project ends. To achieve this, Eyra uses principles from the [circular economy model]( circular economy is a,reducing waste to a minimum.), such as high quality, sharing and reuse. Based on this, we have devised a model for sustainable software development that aims to minimise the waste of resources, such as time and money. The Next platform consists of reusable modules, forming the foundation for every integrated SaaS solution. By leveraging and contributing to these high-quality reusable modules, each SaaS solution benefits from and contributes to a collaborative ecosystem. This collaborative approach not only provides resource efficient maintenance but also enhances efficiency in software development for academic research.

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